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Phase 2: Co-design

In this phase of the project, we will co-design an inclusive training package for ACCOs.

This project runs from 2021-2024.

Our aims:

  • Co-design an inclusive training package for ACCOs (i.e., determine what ACCO staff and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ young people want incorporated in inclusive training, what training delivery styles they prefer, etc.)

  • Combine output from the workshops into an Inclusive training for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ youth and their families package

  • Develop locally-specific versions of the inclusive training package

Who can take part?

You can take part if you are:​

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander


  • 14-25 years old

  • Able to give informed consent to participate in research


To provide necessary insight into what training ACCOs need to better provide inclusive care for you.

What WIll i DO?

You will be asked to participate in a 2-day workshop (4 hours each day, 8 hours total) to co-design an inclusive training package.


Participants will be reimbursed on a sliding scale based on age and potential for lost earnings.


You will also have a choice on how you would like to be reimbursed, either through a gift card or a cash payment.

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