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Waakal Moort Kaadadjiny

Rainbow Serpent Family Learning: Health and Wellbeing Festival

Waakal Moort Kaadadjiny

Bep and Shakara attended the ‘Rainbow Serpent Family Learning: Health and Wellbeing Festival’ in Perth, Armadale on the 24th of October 2019.

Rainbow Serpent Family Learning, also known as Waakal Moort Kaadadjiny, is a group of health representatives from varying organisations who have come together to recognise, acknowledge and collaborate to raise awareness around suicide of Aboriginal People. This group ran the ‘Health and Wellbeing’ festival on the 24th of October 2019, where Aboriginal members of the community could engage with varying health services, alongside enjoying cultural dances, food and activities. Bep and Shakara attended the festival with a stall to promote the Walkern Katatdjin research study.

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